How to add text to image galleries (V1)
Along with the ability to add titles and descriptions to individual images within a gallery, we now support standalone text to be placed inline with the images.
This is great for creating gallery introductions, providing project details, adding pull quotes, or even creating image-centric blogs or story pages.
Click the "add text" button at the top of your image gallery page. This will place a thumbnail into the grid along with your images.
Click the small "edit" button at the bottom right of the new text thumbnail.
This will bring up a text editor that will let you enter and format your content. Once you're done, click save.
If you'd like to tweak the design/presentation of your text, click the "design" tab at the top of your control panel to go to the design editor.
Within your site preview, navigate to your page with the text element you just created.
Right-click on the text, and you'll be able to edit its appearance using the controls in the sidebar. Different text elements can be controlled independently, like headings, text, links, etc.